ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS - Your IT Comfort Expert!
ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS - Your IT Comfort Expert!

By Florian Stiernon

SPI and ABAKUS IT SOLUTIONS are official partners

Posted 3 Years ago

The digitalisation of organisations has now become a priority. The development of economic activities is changing. The needs of the company are changing and those of the customers as well...

That is why, within the framework of the SPINNOVE project, SPI was looking for experts who could implement an ERP solution to simplify the management of their operations.
Such a system will allow their employees to centralise a lot of data with ease and will also improve the collaboration between their different departments.

After a long research process, the professionals at ABAKUS IT SOLUTIONS were entrusted with this task.
Thanks to the sound advice of their project managers and specialists, it was agreed that the best solution for SPI was to implement Odoo ERP.
This resource management software will certainly make the daily life of all their employees easier.

This long-term partnership is based on common values that are essential to both organisations.
Follow-up and training sessions are planned with ABAKUS to enable SPI employees to benefit from personalised support in this change in the way they work.

We are eager to get started and look forward to this new collaboration.

SPI and ABAKUS IT SOLUTIONS are official partners