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ABAKUS IT-SOLUTIONS - Your IT Comfort Expert!

By Florian Stiernon

Safer Internet Day : Your organization IT security

Posted 3 Years ago

People are now realising they need to take actions regarding IT security. The Safer Internet Day became a major event on the online security agenda.

The number of cyber intimidation on social media and numeric identity theft is consistently raising every year. A huge majority of people are now realising they need to take actions regarding IT security. Over the years, The Safer Internet Day became one of the most important event on the online security agenda. Launched by the European Union in 2004, it is now celebrated by more than 200 countries in the world.

What is the Safer Internet Day ?

On the 8th of February, we will attend the Safer Internet Day. It is an awareness-raising campaign that is helping young people, teachers and families to adopt the right behaviours with online technologies. The EU authorities are reminding us that we need to be careful while browsing the web.

Which risks can you encounter ?

We recently entered the era of data. Companies are using software programs to collect and play with the client's information. Businesses that do not take it seriously and unconsciously do not invest in their IT security are now easy targets for hackers.

Indeed, even smallest business and start-ups are now storing a lot of sensitive information within Customer Relationship Management (called CRM) software.

In case of a breach in your system, hackers will be able to access and control your device from undetected places. The source of the attack might be extremely difficult to trace. If an unknown desktop managed get into the system and acquire the personal information of clients, it could be rapidly used against them.

It is also a considerable threat for the integrity and reputation of organizations. As managers, if you end up losing the personal information of your clients, you could face trials for not being careful enough. Some people might also be tricked by imposters that are impersonating one of the employees.

The worst case scenario is that pirates erase everything. You would have to start from scratch. Business and public administrations can save time by deciding to use cybersecurity. They will avoid to risk losing valuable citizen or client's information.


Privacy and confidentiality became a major concern for European citizens over the last decade. The European Union with the introduction of General data protection regulation personal data is confirming it. Then, are you ready to implement an IT security policy within your organisation ?

We can perform an IT security audit for you

We provide cybersecurity services to organisations that are willing to implement security policy. Our mission is to guide you around all the different possibilities you can consider protecting your organisation. We analyse your needs and therefore come up with a personalised plan suggesting the appropriate security measures.

To Improve your data protection, you could opt to secure your server. Some invest in Cloud security (if they use Cloud storage). Others pick and grab the latest and best antivirus software on the market. With the introduction of home working, more and more employees are using their own Internet connection. To counter any intrusion that could potentially come from there, you could also consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

If you are well-equipped, with the right tools, you will be ready to face any problems. We can provide all these solutions to easily respond to an incident. Investing in cybersecurity allow your company and workers to get back quicker on their feet. They will recover from the disaster easily and guarantee your business continuity.

Did you already implement all those type of precautions ? Well done, you can consider yourself as protected ! You have not and are not ready to do that just yet ? You could also consult those helpful following references ...

Useful websites you should visit

The website Safe On Web is full of thoughtful advices and practices. They inform the Belgian public on how to detect phishing website for example. In Luxembourg, they also developed a very similar initiative. The BEE SECURE platform promotes a responsible and positive use of new technologies among the general public.

The most interesting part about the second one is that they are targeting the seniors, whose demand for IT security is increasing. Older generations did not grow up with information technologies and desperately need to be educated as well on the matter. The majority of complaints about cybersecurity are actually coming from this part of the population.

IT security  Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day : Your organization IT security